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Re: [tlug] [Was: Why Hollywood does break foreign films ?] Changing subject in thread.

On list because I respect Reply-To.  (hint, hint)

Bruno Raoult writes:

 > One more time shutting the lights?
 > No more discussion then? Oh...

Yes.  You have made it clear you don't understand or respect the
customs of this list.  That's OK, as long as you accept the
consequence that *you* are the cause of friction, not us.  It is not
our *job* to teach you, though we do accept the responsibility to try.
Godwin is saying "we've tried, we've failed, let's move along."  *We*
don't want more discussion, because we have been satisfied for several
posts that your idea offers nothing we want.  *You* will end up in
kill-files and, eventually, moderated if you try to continue it.

This does not apply to your poll activities, as long as you do the
poll development and actual polling off-list.  I suspect most of us
would be *happy* to look at one post containing poll results, and
willing to consider further discussion depending on the results.

 > You forgot:
 > <important next-poll-request=yes>What about doing something different
 > than some guesses about members position?</important>

It's not important to the admins and regular posters, and only one
other member has spoken up in favor of some of your positions.

You don't seem to understand how Internet channels work.  This mailing
list works well for the admins and people who think like them, both
the posters *and the lurkers*.  From our point of view, you are trying
to hijack *our* community to conform to values *we* do not accept.
Can you deny that?  What do you claim are the benefits to *us*, or the
contradictions to *our* values that would be resolved, if you continue
to post in this vein?

If you think another style would be better, it's up to you to convince
the admins (called "list-owners" for good reason) to change.  If you
can't, the proof of your righteousness is easily available: *start
your own list*.  It is extremely easy to start a mailing list -- that
is *not* a prohibitive barrier.  If you're right, that there are many
people here who would prefer the style you like, your list will
quickly populate itself.

 > I am afraid asking too often to shut-up will not help to shut
 > discussion here.  You could get a different effect: More reactions.

If you're talking about your reactions, eventually you will be told to
shut up by the admins, and then put on moderation.[1]  If you're talking
about the "Silent Majority" who support you, well, we haven't seen any
of them yet.

[1]  Note that I've probably been told to shut up more times than
anybody else currently on this list, and IIRC put on moderation at
least once.  I don't consider that shameful.  But it was necessary
when it happened to me, and it will happen to you if necessary. :-)

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