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Re: [tlug] [Was: Why Hollywood does break foreign films ?] Changing subject in thread.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 7:04 PM, Scott Robbins <> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 05:37:17PM +0200, Bruno Raoult wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 2:49 PM, Godwin Stewart <>wrote:
> > On 13/08/13 13:29, Benjamin Tayehanpour wrote:
> >

> > >> Or simply restart a new thread, and copy parts of this discussion?
> > >
> > > I think the latter is more in line with rules and general etiquette.
> >
> > And usually with '[OT]' in the subject so that people who want to can
> > filter out off-topic conversations.
> >
> Would not this only apply if we continue the current thread itself,
> changing its name ?
> I mean, if we create a new thread from scratch, with no history (except
> some copies),
> what would be the point of the OT magic word, as this thread would be
> "on-topic" by
> default - at least at beginning ?

Generally, the list is supposed to be about Linux.  Of course, with any
group of people, other things get discussed.   The list isn't horribly
strict about it, but it is considered good form to us [OT] in the subject
line, indicating that this is a topic that those who only wish to view
technical things, can safely skip.

As for the changing the subject line--though most email clients are now
ignorant of various rfc standards, this is considered bad netiquette--the
header information will remain, causing something like this.

Which shows how an email client that properly handles threading doesn't
see a change of subject as creating a new topic.

Tlug has some good links about this, mostly by Godwin in his angrier days.
Ooops. beside the 404 for your first link, I understand current software are
changing netiquette rules ? That I could not even split to a new one, keeping
the history ?

Just this would need a new split, right ? A copy-paste with "OT", or "OTOT" ?

You all are all clever, I know. I hope you don't consider I am very stupid myself.
(I could be, but no more than you a-priori). And I do accept the list rules, and give
apologiges. I think it is difficult to give more.

So we have my initial thread:
1- About American cinema (yes, off-topic, I understand forbidden from *now*)

    -- stopped

  1.1- About some software licence issues (on-topic in list, off for the thread)

        -- stopped

    1.1.1- About how to split a thread (on-topic in new thread, but different subject,
             and off-topic in list)

Do you need aspirin like me, when simple things should stay simple ?


2 + 2 = 5, for very large values of 2.

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