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Re: [tlug] FTTH ISP recommendation

Edward Middleton wrote:
> Curt Sampson wrote:
>> I've used serveral Usen home connections, and they were invariably
>> quite fast and offered five static IPs for your hosts. (The sixth is
>> the router for the /29 they give you.) I've heard that that service is
>> harder to get these days, though.
> I presume you are talking about a Usen line with Usen as the ISP.  I
> know Asahi-net offers Usen connections and I presume others do too.
>>> Does it depend more on the actual optical fiber (ntt b-flets vs KDDI
>>> hikari one) or the ISP ?
>>> ...out of curiosity what sort of
>>> speed do you get with ASAHI +  NTT B-flets ( and of course are you in
>>> a house or in a mansion?)
> I am in a house and the plan gives me a dedicated 100Mb to the the
> nearest concentrator then 1G to b-flets square.
>> Much more on the ISP, I think. I watched the NTT guy test my B-Flets
>> mansion fibre, and he was getting rates of 70-80 Mbps both up and down.
>> I've never seen an Asahi link (incuding mine) go faster than about 15
>> Mbps, even to a host on Usen business fibre in Tokyo. (A Usen connection
>> gets about 80 MBps to the same host.)
> I Just tried the following.
> # time lftpget
> real    1m18.334s
> # ls -l netbsd-live-2007.iso
> -rw-r--r--+ 1 root root 734107648 Nov 12  2006 netbsd-live-2007.iso
> Obviously YMMV.
> Edward
Thought I would give that a try too and the first run was:

~$ time lftpget

real    1m25.202s

Second run was 1 second faster.  Personal favorite is downloading movie
trailers from Apples site... sometime I get over 10MB/s on those (must
have a local CDN nearby).

I go through Asahi Net to get KDDI Hikari One Home course (not shared).

For me the second NAT device (the Hikari One home gateway) isn't a
problem and I use it as a DMZ.  Anything I don't trust gets put under
that network (home gateway has 4 usable switch ports after the WAN and
LAN ethernet cables are attached.  I have never tried to change anything
on the home gateway as I can't read any of it.  The only thing I have
found not to work (with starting the connection on the inside) is the
Linux version of mplayer connecting to the BBC Radio 1 Real audio
feeds.  It works on my Windows laptop with mplayer, but not Linux.


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