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[tlug] FTTH ISP recommendation


I'm in the market for a "good" FTTH ISP in Tokyo area. Let's define
what I understand by good in order of priority :
1 I can use my own router and am not locked into the ISP's "home gateway".
2 I can pay my bills at combini.
3 There is some physical stores / counters, I can go to should I have
any complaint.
4 No P2P throttling.

In 3 years in Japan I have gone through BBExcite on NTT Flets which
does not fit requirement 2 and 3, and am now on KDDI Hikari ONE, which
after much research and many tries does not seem to fit requirement 1
(If you do not ahve their router plugged in they will block your
connection after a few hours).

Can anyone recommend /vouch one FTTH ISP ? I've heard some good thing
about OCN i think. I'm also tempted by fusion GOL for the
English-friendly aspect.



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