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Re: [tlug] Making sure people get the message

On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 09:43:42PM +0900, Mark Makdad wrote:
> Scott Robbins wrote:

> > Spam becomes worse every day.  A few years ago, it was estimated that 75
> > percent of all email is spam.  The figure has gotten much higher, I've
> > seen it listed as 85 percent, and even 90 something.  
> >   
> I'd like to know where these figures have come from; I have my doubts.

Sigh, I don't remember, one reason I'm being so vague on the statistics.  

I would suspect it would vary with each company, user, etc.  Regardless
of the actual percentage, I would be almost certain that it's quite high
and does increase yearly.



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Cordelia: What's her saga?
Xander: She's freaking.
Cordelia: About what?
Xander: The mayor is gonna kill us all during graduation.
Cordelia: Oh. Are you gonna go to 5th period?

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