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Re: [tlug] Making sure people get the message


Thank you for responding
Before I get into the discussion of SMTP
Actually, I'm kind of hoping to avoid deep SMTP discussions. I know one thing about SMTP that I'm very sure of - it's hard. It makes grown men weep. It's convoluted, mystical, and scary.

If possible, I'd like to just pick up some tips that can up my chances of my email being considered valid. But there is a line where I will eventually just say "I've made a very reasonable effort here, and beyond this is the domain of hardcore email administrator aficionados, not where guys who run hockey teams go."

 Dave, I hate to tell you
this but having a server subdomain of the ".info" or ".biz" domains
is probably going to cost points with spam filters.
You don't have to hate to tell me this, as it's not a bothersome point for me.

You see, the thing is, I don't understand why or how the .info domain gets involved in this. Some account information for my web hosting plan has been assigned under the .info domain. But that kind of thing should be regulated to issues dealing with my service subscription to my web hosting provider.

The individual domains I keep there, on the other hand, should be fully fledged domains, and all information coming out of them should point only to themselves. So my desire is to have all instances of ".info" wiped clean in favour of the appropriate .com names. In this case,

The sender address "info" also reeks of spam.

Hmmm... I suppose I could change that. The only thing that holds me to that "" email address is that it's been the one in use for about 9 years or so - well before any of this kind of thing was a problem. It's mildly irksome that spammers have come along and are forcing me to adapt to them.

Dave M G
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
Pentium D Dual Core Processor
PHP 5, MySQL 5, Apache 2

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