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Re: [tlug] First impressions of Gentoo - Surprised by X.

On Sat, Jan 28, 2006 at 11:09:42AM +0900, Josh Glover wrote:
> On 28/01/06, Stephen J. Turnbull <> wrote:
> > Uh, let me run this by you just one more time.  I've never booted
> > Gentoo before, I've just completed stage (a) and rebooted to a bareass
> > bucknaked doesn't-even-have-the-tools-needed-to-read-the-manual
> > system, and I want to read the manual before going on to stage (b).
> > It should take less than a minute to emerge links, which seems to be
> > the recommended browser for this purpose.  2.5 hours later I realize
> > we're compiling Xprt.  WTF?!

That is exactly what happened to me. Since I was using links during the chrooted 
stage of installation I expected it to be there with the bare bones.  When it wasn't 
I realized it should be the first thing I emerge - before even considering how to set 
up the rest of the system.  All this was on a Celeron 500Mgz with 64kb ram - so I 
started emerging links... and the next day, after coming home from work I decided 
that I must have done everything completely wrong. So I stopped the emerge, popped in 
the gentoo disk and started all over again. I certainly learned about emerge -v and 
given that I'm as truly clueless as a clueless newbie can be I think I'm all the 
better for it.

> If this is not what you want, please describe in detail the behaviour
> that you want, and I will see what can be done (either to the Gentoo
> base system itself--like adding a new profile or two--or to the docs).

Maybe the manual could simply stress the importance of using emerge -av as well as 
make flags and perhaps use the links scenario as an edifying example. 

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