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Re: [suse-linux-ja] Re: [tlug] Suse blues-progress?

>I got this from the person who had same problem as me, but I am unsure yet why 
>he needed to do it.....
>Lyle mentioned his does Japanese as is.
>And what about other suggestionsin this list
>(which may be for English systems addding Japanese?)
>>1. canna server: At the time of my question, I run my system in DHCP mod
>>allowing to change the client name (see YAST installation of a network
>>card). If you don't allow this (just unmarking the option), then the clinet
>>name is and everything works fine (Q: How to change this
>>behaviour of the canna server).

Something just occurred to me - this sounds like the situation where I 
use a dictionary and it works fine, but only if the machine is 
on-line.   The test machine I tried that on was on-line at the time I 
tried it... is your machine on-line at the time of your attempts?  Wait 
a second - let me test it off-line.  ///  I just tested my Japanese test 
machine off-line and kanji input is working, but I wonder if it's set up 
to update something on-line when you first set it up?  A chess game I 
tried was like that - the first time you use it, it asks to go on-line 
and after that it works fine off-line?  Sort of a case of the blind 
leading the blind here, but we seem to be figuring this out bit by bit.

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