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Re: glibc 2.2 on RH7-J

Actually, 7.01J ships with 2.1 as does 7.1E.  But the most recently
supported version from RedHat is 2.2 and there is an official rpm on their
website for it.  So those up2dating their 7.0E system regularly may be
running the 2.2 version.

Subsequent to my email, Ive actually installed 2.2 on an out of the box
7.0.1J system, and also been in contact with someone from RedHat.  My system
seems to work fine (although I havenet done a whole lot of testing of
Japanese yet) but I was also told that it should be totally compatible with
the Japanese OS.  If I run into any problems, Ill post again.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tobias Diedrich" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 1:32 AM
Subject: Re: glibc 2.2 on RH7-J

> Mark Feldman wrote:
> > Does anyone know if glibc 2.2 is supported under RedHat 7Japanese?  I
> > its supported under RH7-English, but havent been able to find any info
> > same specifically for Japanese.  (And up2date doesnt seem to want to run
> > when I install Japanese.)
> AFAIK glibc should be completely language independent.
> If Redhat 7 ships with glibc 2.2 I would assume Redhat 7J ships with glibc
> 2.2 too.
> -- Tobias
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