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Three questions

>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Breen <> writes:

    Jim> 	Q: Does anyone have any suggestions of better places
    Jim> to try?  I really want a non-Japanese keyboard.

Buy/scam an external one.  Even with an academic budget (almost like a
politician's), I couldn't manage it.  The Happy Hacker keyboard isn't
bad at all :-)

    Jim> (c) I think I'll start with RH6.2, mainly because I am most
    Jim> used to RH's funny little ways, and it's the one most used at
    Jim> Monash. I don't really want to put in the J version unless
    Jim> it's the only way to get kterm, etc.  working.

It should not be hard, just annoying, to get kterm et al working.
OTOH, it can be impossible to get an RH distro working at all....

Take the devil you know, and add the elementals as you need them.

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