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Re: Three questions

Hello Dr. Breen,

On Tue, 6 Feb 2001 19:52:49 +0900 (JST) (Jim Breen) wrote:
> (a) I have decided to bite the bullet and get a new notebook here. I've
> been checking out the ones at Akihabara, and Laox's place that
> specializes in stuff for foreigners has "Western" Toshibas, etc. at
> bearable prices, albeit higher that I'd pay in Australia for the same
> gear.
> 	Q: Does anyone have any suggestions of better places to try?
> 	   I really want a non-Japanese keyboard.

T-Zone Minami store used to sell non-japanese keyboards for desktops,
but I am not sure if they do anymore.

Anyway, japanese keyboards are not that hard to use.  I use the US
mapping on them anyway, if I can, and except for the (sometimes much)
shorter space bar, they're not too different...

I've also read in magazines that most makers offer English/US keyboard
as option for their notebooks.  You can try calling up IBM or Gateway or
Dell and ask.  I expect they are not going to be cheap though.


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