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tlug: posting (was fish)

Being on the lower end of the Linux skills scale, i would like to offer a
thought to this topic.

    ST> "Able to think" --> "wanting to learn (as opposed to `just fixing'
    ST> whatever is currently keeping you from getting something done)".

I think this is a good point, but at times I'm not sure when to post my
problem and when to just try to figure it out myself. Any suggestions?

    CS> Yes, that too ... but I was trying to imply that if one posts
    CS> a plea for help that strongly resembles the parody that
    CS> Simon posted last Friday, then one should expect a certain
    CS> amount of harrassment ;)

As for myself, it is REALLY discouraging to get slammed by someone for
something you posted. Isn't there another way to teach someone that what
their doing isn't appropreate? If for example i get a negative sarcastic
commenty to a dumb question, I'll think your not a nice person instead of
what i did wasn't correct!

Jack Morgan

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