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Re: [Lingo] British English

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 3:38 AM, Josh Glover <> wrote:
> On 3 February 2011 18:12, Lyle H Saxon <> wrote:
> Yes, I remember that. I also remember Googling Mark Shuttleworth when
> I got back and realising who he was. Wow, I'm glad I didn't know
> beforehand, or I would have been pretty unconfident. :)

Ha-ha!  You too then!  Yeah - I just assumed he was a Silicon Valley
guy and didn't look him up until after the meeting!  Now I look back
on it with a feeling of wonder that we stumbled into the meeting that
way.  One of the things I remember about the meeting is your telling
him that for the local (Japanese) market, the Japanese needed to just
work - and it was shortly after that that it did.  (I wonder if
there's a mathematical formula for "Low expectations & high results
and high expectations and low results"?)  I also remember thinking at
the time that you and he seemed to be on the same wavelength.


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