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tlug: Java in Netscape

  I'm sure there's been lots of discussion about this, but I haven't
noticed any during the half a year or so when I'm plugged into the list.
I had noticed that Netscape occasionally - I don't browse a lot - 
crashes and burns on some pages.  It was only this morning, when this
happened twice in a row, that I finally noticed that it's a Java-related
thing.  I can't remember having this kind of problem with my old 
installation (which was certainly Java-capable), but I don't remember
off-hand what I might have done myself to set up the Java capability.
Can someone fill me in, or point me to a good source of info on this?
I'm using whatever Netscape it is that comes standard with RH6.0.


Dennis McMurchy, 
Sointula, B.C. / Tojinmachi, Fukuoka
Canada           Japan

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