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Re: tlug: Greenfrog Linux Nihongo Kit up.

On Tue, 10 Aug 1999, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> I bet you get mojibake, but not some that destroys your terminal
> screen.

Nah, it'll toast his kterm no matter if it's euc or jis.  It's an artifact
of an unpatched pine reading iso-2022-jp mail -- it'll display the body
more or less correctly, but it tends to fry (40% chance or so) when one
hits the space bar to display the second page of body text.

It's really not worth fixing.  By the time one totally rewrites the
display routines to reflect reality, the folks at UW have released a new
version of pine that coincidentally has all-new display routines that are
even more incompatible with reality.

-- Chris (

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