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tlug: Linux's Eudora

Wonder if you could save a newbie some wading and headbanging here.  I
recently got on the Net with Linux - thank God for those little successes
that keep you plugging - and now I'd like to actually start doing my mail
with it.  I know that the RedHat distribution comes with lots of emailers
of various sizes and abilities, because I read the 2-sentence descriptions
of them in back of the distribution book.  But which to choose and use?  So
I'll take a chance and pose and ignorant question to you all - 

Is there anything that could be termed a Linux equivalent of Eudora?  I
mean, Eudora used to be a free project, too.  I'd like to compose email
messages off line, as I'm doing now, and then just be on long enough to
send them.

Any time-saving help would be much appreciated!

Glenn Evanish
Next Nomikai: March 19 (Fri), 19:30  Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
Next Technical Meeting: April 10 (Sat), 12:30   place: Temple Univ.
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