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Re: tlug: Libretto


rank G Bennett, Jr wrote:
> > I don't know about sound chip but Neomagic is supported for X.  APM
> > standby function doesn't seem to work on SS series.
> I'm always confused by the terms used for these APM functions.
> Is "standby" the one that powers the machine down with an image
> of memory on disk, or the one that turns off all the moving
> parts, but keeps memory alive with a trickle of current to RAM?

Uh, me too. :-)

I just wanted to write that "hybernation", which stores entire memory
image on the disk, doesn't seem available on SS1000.  "Suspend" which
keeps memory image works well.  Besides, I can change the battery
while it is in suspended mode and connected to the power adapter.

Masanori "Smiley" Omote
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