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Re: tlug: 3Com 589 PC Card

Frank Bennett <> wrote,

> On Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 02:34:38PM +0900, Jonathan Byrne wrote:
> > The problem I have is
> > that I'm trying to *install* Linux on this machine, so my mission is to
> > make the TurboLinux installer deal with this card.
> The quickest solution would be to wait until Saturday.  Crossover cable.
> Borrow someone's card.  Game over.

Not necessarily, the config file mentioned in the previous
messages is, as far as I remember, on one of the two extra
install disks of TL (extrahw or supp).  Just mount the disk
on a Linux box (I hope you have one :-) and edit the file
with your favorite editor (in contrast to the "main" install
disk, the other two - "extrahw" and "supp" - are standard
ext2 formatted floppies that are easy to hack).


P.S.: To mount the disk, add

/dev/fd0                /mnt/floppy             ext2    noauto          0 0

      to /etc/fstab if it is not yet there.
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