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RE: tlug: Grrr... Why won't the same solution work for the same problem twice?

>>Subject: tlug: Grrr... Why won't the same solution work for the same
>>problem twice?
>Mutation, no doubt...

Uh oh... mutants on my hard drive. That doesn't sound promising....

>More and better beer, of course!

Mmmm... beer.

>What is your actual Video Ram? Usually server finds it anyhow, but it
>doesn't hurt to have it listed here.

I'm pretty sure it's 1MB VRAM, which is what Xconfigurator suggested to me,
and what I selected... which means it's weird that it is commented out in
the XF86config file. SHould I uncomment the line which states my cards VRAM?

>># **********************************************************************
>># Screen sections
>># **********************************************************************
>># The Colour SVGA server
>>Section "Screen"
>>    Driver      "svga"
>>    Device      "Generic VGA"
>>    #Device      "TG 9660 / Cyber9385"
>>    Monitor     "MAG MX15F (1)"
>>    Subsection "Display"
>>        Depth       8
>>        #Modes       "1024x768"
>>        ViewPort    0 0
>>        Virtual     320 200
>>        #Virtual     1024 768
>>    EndSubsection
>Well, it's pretty clear here. You have the virtual display set to 320x200 and
>no actual mode available, so you get 320x200. Try uncommenting the mode above
>of 1024x768, nuke the "Virtual   320 200" line, and you'll have 1024x768 next
>time up. 

I'll try it just as you suggest, but I had previously experimented before,
and I think what you said is one of the variations I went through. If I
uncomment the "Mode 1024X768" line, it comes back with an error saying that
there isn't enough VRAM>. So then I uncomment the line which says "Device
"TG 9660 / Cyber9385"", and comment out the line which says "Device
"Generic VGA"", and I get a crazy screen of jittery lines.

>Another utility is XF86Setup, which is a GUI style of X configuration. You'll
>need the VGA16 server to use it.

Ah, a different configurator. That sounds promising. I'll give that a shot
tonight as well.

Thanks David


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