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tlug: Setting up net at home

The questions are fast and furious today.
I think this might be a kind of obvious question, but I'm going for it
anyway (stupid questions are better than stupid mistakes, right?)
My intention is to set up my server machine at home, with the keyboard and
monitor attached, and then when Linux is fully installed, bring in only the
box to my office, hook it up to the net and go.
I realise nothing is ever quite that simple, but do i at least have the
principle right? I mean, even though at home there is nothing plugged into
the net card, i can still type in IP addresses and whatnot without getting
installation halting errors when it doesn't find the LAN? ANd then I can
configure Apache and Sendmail, again without any actual Net present?

Next Technical Meeting: February 13 (Sat), 12:30 place: Temple Univ.
** presentation: XEmacs, by Steven Baur and Martin Buchholz
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