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Re: tlug: X Windows cursor

Neil Booth writes:

 > What you suggested works well, for Netscape at least. File Runner can't
 > be a Motif application as it isn't affected.

It's a Tcl/Tk application. Look in /usr/lib/FileRunner/fr (path may
vary, of course), and find this:

  entry $glob(win,$inst).entry_dir -relief {ridge} -font $config(gui,font) \
      -selectbackground $config(gui,color_select_bg) -selectforeground $config(gui,color_select_fg) -background $config(gui,color_bg) \
      -foreground $config(gui,color_fg) -highlightthickness 1

and change it to this:

  entry $glob( ......
.......... -highlightthickness 1 \
	-insertofftime 0

That fixes the top entry boxes. You'll find other similar commands
(with 'entry' at the beginning) for the other entry boxes.


Matt Gushee
Oshamanbe, Hokkaido
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