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tlug: GB, Big5

>>>>> "Tony" == Tony Laszlo <> writes:

    Tony> I seem to have installed Big5 fonts without mishap. GB, Big5
    Tony> and Hangul characters made with quail appear below. Anything
    Tony> strange or have I got it right now?

It looks OK to me but I don't have Big5 fonts installed.

However, MEW is hosed, it can't figure out the character set.  In this
case, you did the appropriate thing, but you might want to look into a
competent MIME mailer which would be smart enough to break up the text
into MIME multipart/mixed so that moderately intelligent mailers (like
VM, which unfortunately does not support FSF Emacs) can deal correctly
with these rather chauvinistic character sets.

    Tony> Chinese text web pages (both GB and Big5) saved to disk from
    Tony> Netscape cannot be read by Mule, for some reason. Nor can
    Tony> Big5 text copied from Netscape to Mule. Did I miss a setting
    Tony> somewhere?

Yeah.  GB and Big 5 code spaces both overlap with ISO-8859 and EUC-JP,
and Big 5 overlaps Shit-JIS.  Try changing your language environment
to Chinese in Mule.  This will give precedence to those character sets
in Mule's auto-recognition algorithms.  Don't expect much; the Mule
programmers are Japanese, Japanese will work, but the rest of Asia may
or may not depending on whether Handa & company have gotten feedback
from multilingual people trying to do the same things you are.  They
may not have.

But it might work.

Advice:  stay away from EUC-encoded (EUC-JP, GB, KR) text where
possible, and avoid Big5 and Shit-JIS like the plague.  Use ISO-2022
7-bit encodings and/or Unicode as much as possible.

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