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Re: tlug: How to install Linux (Part 1) ...

Ulrike Schmidt wrote:

>  ... (cough, cough) there is a little problem ... it does not let me logg
> in with the password I think I gave to root ...

I ran into this too initially - believe it or not, it could just be just the
"NumLock" being in a different position during your install and actual
logging in; if I remember correctly when I... I mean someone I know -
installed RH they had the numlock on, but after a reboot it was off (or visa
versa - can't remember); in any case it wouldn't accept my - I mean his
(cough, cough) passwords...

Sean Bennett      < >
Nnet/Nakamura Shoji Co. Ltd.
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Japan;        020-0874

Tel:    +81 19-629-2250
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PHS:    060-133-1080

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