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Re: tlug: Flightgear: open-source GPL flight simulator

Scott Stone writes:
 > Yeah.. how much are those Voodoo-2 cards selling for now?  I feel the need
 > to have 3D under Linux, all of a sudden.
I don`t know the latest japanese prices. I am concentrating on the
ones in Germany since I will return on Saturday. There they cost
between 219DM and 329DM depending on the bundled games and
manufacturer. That`s for the 12MB version. In US$ that would be
$132-$199 or in Yen 16600-23000.


Dr. Marcus Metzler
Department of Physics    | $B")(B $B#2#7#4!<#8#5#1#0(B
Toho University          | $;T;0;3#2!<#2!<#1(B
Miyama 2-2-1, Funabashi, | $BElK.Bg3X(B  $BM}3XIt(B  $BJ*M}(B
Chiba 274-8510           | 
Japan			 |
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