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tlug: Re: Updating the TLUG FAQ

John De Hoog wrote:

>> 1)  We are now discussing the FAQ wording on the tlug-admin list.  Your
>>     input, as well as any other members, can be expressed on that list.

> Sorry, I was under the impression that list was not for general users,
> and certainly not for outsiders like me. Guess the name fooled me.

All of TLUG's lists are open to everyone.

>> 2)  The intent of the tlug main list (this list) is to exchange
>>      technical information about linux.

> Is that a new policy, or has it always been so? 

It hasn't always been so, but the growing volume of mail which is non-
technical on the main list caused us first to split off administrative
postings (tlug-admin) and special lists (tpjjp, jtlug), and now we need
to split off the non-specific postings (advocacy).  All lists are open.

>> Complaining loudly will only get the response "If you really don't like
>> it, then do something about it instead of complaining".  This is the
>> appropriate response.

> It may have been the appropriate response when Linux was a nice little
> tight community of people with code-tweaking skills. If there really are
> 7 million users today, as claimed, then what percentage of them fall
> into that category? How many of the corporate Caldera users, or the SOHO
> RedHat users, are able to do anything about the lack of a FrameMaker?
> You are also mixing OS and applications here. NT users don't have the OS
> code, but they do have tools for making or altering applications. Linux
> users have the OS code, but that doesn't help with the application lack.

It is still appropriate.  Think of it this way - WHO are you complaining
to, and WHY should they listen.   In the case of NT, you are complaining
to Microsoft, and they should listen because you have paid dearly for
their software.  In the case of Linux, you are complaining to a group of
volunteers, and they only listen because they are interested in helping
other people and they care about linux.  When you abuse the good-will that
the linux community has, they will stop listening.

There is no philisophical difference between the OS and the applications. 
There are free applications available, which are more than adequate for
many linux users, myself included.  If you purchase a third-party product
for linux, then THEY owe you a response, not the linux community at large. 

Linux is not ideal for everyone.  It sounds like it may not be for you.
If it does not fit your plans, then please go find something else that
will.  For myself and many others, linux is a wonderful tool which keeps
getting better - thanks to the hard work of dedicated volunteers.


Joe Marchak ph:03-5203-3925 fx:03-5203-3699 +813/-03

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