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Re: tlug: more strange ISP behavior

On 21-Oct-98 Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Probably they threw out the old machines so they lost the pages.  :-)

I know you're joking :) The old machines are _still_ on-line and will be until
March '99. Oct 31, however, they will deny ftp access to it.
>     >> I have an account with one of the ISPs in question so I decided
>     >> to dig around a little. I ftp'd to the new server and behold -
>     >> they already set up a bin directory for me?! I wonder what's in
>     >> it...
>     >> 
>     >> Wow, my very own ls....
>     jdb> That's a pretty big ls.  Maybe it's output from ls -l,
>     jdb> listing your previous files?  But then why is it
>     jdb> execute-only, and in a bin directory?  Maybe it's a real,
>     jdb> big, old ls sitting there for ftpd security?

I was wondering if it had anything to do with the root shell attacks. 

Anyway, I asked the ISP:

JIM> You put a binary ls in *everyone's* directory? 
JIM> Why not just make it a symbolic link? You'd save a lot of disk
JIM> space that way....

ISP>Yes. But we need to prepare only "ls" in *everyone's*
ISP>directory on BSD,and we think total size aren't so big.
ISP>We really thank you for your suggestions.

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