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tlug: Configuration Files

>>>>> "Dave" == Dave  <> writes:

    Dave> 1. What are the configuration files used when you (a) log in
    Dave> and (b) start an nxterm session. I need to know where to
    Dave> store all my aliases and whatnot so that i don't have to
    Dave> keep typing them in and various other settings.

This varies from setup to setup.  If your shell is bash, then most of
what you need is probably in /etc/profile, ~/.bashrc, and
~/.bash_login.  More than that I can't say because people have a habit 
of sourcing .bashrc in .bash_login or vice-versa.  Also look in .X*
and .x*; probably you need not touch these, but you may need to.

    Dave> 2. I'm using Afterstep, and I would like to set it up not
    Dave> only so that when i log into my account the OS automatically
    Dave> starts some programs, but also that it places them in
    Dave> specific places on my deskop so that everything isn't piled
    Dave> all on top of each other at the outset.

Two alternatives.  One is to use the -geometry switch to the programs;
I think there is also a *geometry resource in ~/.steprc.  You probably
don't have a .steprc; I don't know what the semantics of just creating
it are going to be.  If you don't have it in $HOME, look in
/etc/X11/afterstep/steprc or something like that; you may want to copy
the whole thing and edit it if you just can't get something to work right.

The advantage of the -geometry switch is that it affects only that
invocation (ie, the automatic one).  This is probably prefereable for
say kterm, which you'll want multiple invocations of.  The *geometry
resource affects all invocations; this is probably inconvenient if you 
invoke the same program a lot, but for a one-time it's OK.  This can
also be placed in .Xresources or .Xdefaults (whichever you have).

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