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RE: tlug: Japanese

-----Original Message-----
差出人 : <>

>While I am in Japanese input mode, I can accept the line, notice that
>I was overly optimistic about the weather, I can use the cursor to
>go back to いい and change it to 悪い when I am in Emacs with cannalib
>support compiled into Emacs.
>However, I can't do it when I call kinput2 up and use it in a kterm.
>This is interesting.   I never realized this was a problem because
>I almost always use Emacs.

This is happening to me in Japanese Pine.  I'd rather be able to do mail
through a GUI mail client in Xemacs, but don't have one that works with
Japanese.  The one in TL 1.9 beta 3 is supposed to, but I haven't tried it
yet.  Right now I'm worried about how it changed my window manager from
Afterstep to twm without asking me if that was ('&"!'#&!! OK (it's not, and
that little trick is the kind of thing I would expect from a Windows 95
install), and I don't know how to change it back to Afterstep.  My old
.steprc is back in my home directory and all, but I'm getting twm.  What's
the file that tells X what window mangler to give you?  I have to get in
there and hack it.


Jonathan Byrne <>
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