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RE: tlug: Japanese

On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> >>>>> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Byrne <- 3Web" <>> writes:
>     Jonathan> -----Original Message----- 7ol : Stephen J. Turnbull
>     Jonathan> <>
>     >> 1.  XEmacs 20.4/Mule: distributed with SKK, configured for
>     >> Canna or Wnn.  Yes, you probably want to install one of them.
>     >> Canna is less problematic in my experience.
>     Jonathan> Is this also true of Wnn6, that Omron jacks people up
>     Jonathan> for 9,000 yen for?  If no, would you say that Wnn6 is
>     Jonathan> worth getting?
> Wnn6 is probably fine, but I've never tried it and have no idea if
> it's worth it.  The main user problems I've encountered with Wnn have
> to do with permissions getting out of whack for reasons noone could
> ever explain to me; however, that was SunOs, I've never used it on a
> Linux system (where I could not get Wnn to work at first, Canna worked
> immediately, and I never went back, except to help friends compile
> it).
> My guess is that gaijin probably break phrases in sufficiently awkward 
> places that Wnn6 is no big improvement over Wnn4 for us.  But that's
> pure speculation, and Canna 3.2 or 3.5 is all I've ever needed.

Well, i personally use Wnn6, and haven't had problems with it per se, but
I don't know enough kanji to really know if Wnn6 is better than Canna.
Cliff, on the other hand, has used both and says that Wnn6 has a
much-improved kanji dictionary as opposed to Canna, and it has more
'intelligence' about which kanji are appropriate where, etc, etc.

Scott M. Stone <,>
Linux Developer/Systems Administrator for Pacific HiTech, Inc.

Next TLUG Meeting: 13 June Sat, Tokyo Station Yaesu gate 12:30
Featuring Stone and Turnbull on .rpm and .deb packages
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