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Re: tlug: TLUG Domain Coordinator

On Wed, 25 Feb 1998, Craig Oda wrote:

> Once we get the hardware, we need to get a volunteer for the DNS
> and set it up as the primary, then the TLUG Domain Coordinator
> can register with NIC for and JPNIC for
> (or whatever the group decides on).
> If anyone else wants to apply for the non-officer position, speak 
> out now.  If there is more than one volunteer, the officers will
> vote on one person to be team leader. If no one else steps forward, 
> I'll start working with Masato on Friday, Tokyo time.  

I'll set up the DNS.

Scott M. Stone <,>
Linux Developer/Systems Administrator for Pacific HiTech, Inc.

Next TLUG Nomikai: 11 March Wed 1998 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 19:30
Chuo-ku, Kyobashi 1-1-6, EchiZenYa Bld. B1/B2 03-3275-3691
Next TLUG Meeting: 11 April 1998 Saturday, Tokyo Station
Featuring Tague Griffith of Netscape i18n talking on source code
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