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tlug: looking information about sunsolaris 2.x

tlug note from "" <>
I am  working in the networking area in tokyo and  also a  PC truble
shooter /linux newbie / etc 3 years in Japan....
Does  somebody have some information about sun solaris 2.x systems.
Anything will be ok  from manuals to general set up
procedures./Operating  system Cd-roms../
I have  a sun box to play with (only 2 weeks then I have to let it go..!
sannen deshita) but I  dont have any information about  this box.I am
able to login as administrator and also  start up Xwindows but since
have no mouse  ..only keyboard kind of diffcult to switch windows
..........I read some man files in the system but no really helpful
If somebody can  lend me  for a couple of days some informaton I will
give it back . or I can exchange some info with you about WindowS NT if
you prefer.
Also  I have some knowledge aboutlinux(installed sucesfully red
hat/x11r6/slackware/!networking/telnet daemon.!) ....and I been  in this
mailing list since 1 month ago but I was kind of shy to show up....But
here I go ....I hope you will like me and dont spam me please!!
also I will try to show up to the meeting on october 11 th with other
friend who is also a linux newbie.....well

Also I am looking for a sunsolaris box /second hand /used one etc if you
can find one  we could trade/buy... or if you know any information about
where to buy  used sunsolaris  Wksta  would be very useful..........I
think there are some places  in akihabara where they sell sunsolaris  i
fyou have any info Pls  send me a  attachment /map to :
or call me right away :

leave a message..after the  japanese intro /..!

Thanks for the time to read this folks..................

Next TLUG meeting is Saturday October 11, 1997
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