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Re: tlug: looking information about sunsolaris 2.x

tlug note from Craig Oda <>
On Thu, 2 Oct 1997, wrote:

fernando>tlug note from "" <>
fernando>Does  somebody have some information about sun solaris 2.x systems.
fernando>Anything will be ok  from manuals to general set up
fernando>procedures./Operating  system Cd-roms../
fernando>I have  a sun box to play with (only 2 weeks then I have to let it go..!

welcome to TLUG.  Come to the next TLUG meeting on October 11th and
all your questions will be answered.  :-)  You may even score some
valuable door prizes.

In the meantime, check out the US mirror of the Solaris FAQ at

If you are really genki, you can try a Linux install over 

If you have to preserve your friend's operating system, the
Solaris FAQ is really good.  I'm only familar with CDE on
Solaris.  If you look at the row of books in the CDE bar, 
you may have all the documentation you want.  Hit Alt-Tab to
cycle through the window focus.  When the CDE bar comes up,
use the arrow keys to put the focus on the small rectangle
above the bookshelf, hit enter, then use the arrow key to
select the AnswerBook or the Help Manager.  

Personally, I found the Solaris FAQ more valuable than all
the documentation from Sun.  There is a lot of pre-compiled
binaries at  I think the sub-dir is
 Sun.  You may want to use pkgadd to keep your friend's system
relatively intact.  Before going crazy with software installation,
you may want to okay it with your friend and make sure you install
everything in /opt or /usr/local/ to make sure you can uninstall
the stuff.  

Of course, you could always ask your friend if it is okay to
install Linux on the Sparc.  There is an excellent guide
to the procedure in this month's Linux journal.


"Knowledge is the air and light of civilization.  Transform it and you
transform all else."
Craig Oda	
   TWICS - IEC Building, 1-21 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 JAPAN
Main Reception: 03-3351-5977	Fax: +81-3-3353-6096

Next TLUG meeting is Saturday October 11, 1997
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TWICS - Japan's First Public-Access Internet System.  Tel:03-3351-5977  Fax:03-3353-6096

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