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Re: Craig's "Rainikkusu" site

On Mon, 28 Oct 1996, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

>     Shige> Its modeled after the elegant NextStep OS.  Though based on
>     Shige> FVWM 1.24f, it has lots of added features.
> Are these "features" useful?

Well, drag-and-drop has been added though its not really useful yet.
Admitedly, alot of the people who contribute are solely concerned with
its look.  Apparently AfterStep attracts more graphic artists than it does
professional programmers.
>     Shige> There is a complete set of exellent looking icons that are
>     Shige> heavily based on NeXT.  A whole series of applets have been
>                                                      ^^^^^^^
> Applets?

Umm, I guess I don't know what applets mean.  My meaning is "little
applications", not like Java stuff.  I'm refering to trivial programs that
replace xclock, xmailbox, biff, etc.

About gaining actual functionality, so far its just been big talk.. any
day now. ^_^

> Um, yes.  Functional would be nice.  Does it have a true session
> manager?  That would be really nice.

Thats in the works, along with just about everything else.
> If AfterStep does any or all of the above, I'd like to know about it.
> But what I really need are intelligent "session management" and
> "workspace management" functions, not "fvwm on acid" title bars.

Its more like "FVWM on Cezanne"... right now its just a nice looking WM.  
It appears that its not what you are looking for, but for people who
are generally satisfied with FVWM but want something that looks different,
AfterStep may the answer.


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