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Re: X Background Diversions?

At 09:49 AM 5/22/96 +0900, Jim Tittsler wrote:
>1. How do I put a picture in the root window of my X display?
>Is it a function of xsetroot?  Is it a function of my window
>manager (fvwm)?

xv will paste a picture in for you.  I am not sure how it is done tho... :)

>3. Instead of a picture, can I have the root window "swallow"
>the output of a graphical display (like my satellite tracking
>program) and have a continuously updating background?

If you can find the correct function to paste into the root window (Rainer?
Help! :) then it should be easy to write a program to paste pictures in
dynamically.  Since xv runs with command line switches, you might be able to
hack a perl script or something to call xv to dynamically paste a new
background (xv +root <filename> ??).  Bet you did not want to waste that
many processor cycles :)

Not much of a help am I... :)

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