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Re: Linux, Win 95, and Netscape Problems

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Text: (7 lines follow)
  Please don't resist any temptations on my behalf...

BTW, See my previous message to George.  I do not believe these are problems 
related to Microsoft, or to SCSI, as you imply.

Original text: (74 lines follow)
>From, on 3/11/96 9:17 PM:

George writes:


	I need advice on the following. Please help.

   1. Linux and Win 95

I earlier resisted the temptation to say "see what I mean, Ted" when
Leo reported his LoseNT troubles, but with two in one day....

See what I mean about "transparent" OSes like LoseNT and Lose95, Ted?

	I finally and "successfully" installed both Linux and Win 95 on
   my 1 GB IDE hard disk. BUT, when I'm on DOS window in Win 95 and type
   dir/w to see the available disk space, it says "1 GB" - which can't 

Try looking at the disk in "My Computer" (or whatever cute name they
gave it).  The thingee that is the replacement for FileMan.  Up in the
UL corner.  See what that says.  Try some of the other utilities,
chkdsk, and so on.  *Turn off any auto-fix options!*

Oh, and make sure that it's not rounding to the nearest GB....

   be possible since I partitioned my hard drive so that Win 95 would
   only occupy 500 MB. It's kind of scary because Win 95 might write over
   the Linux files. This is not normal, is it?

No, it's not.
#include <slam-at-MS.h>
It sounds to me like there's a bug in the disk sizing routine, sombody 
probably got lazy and just asks the PCI or the SCSI how big the disk
is, not how big the partition is.  I can't believe even MS would let
something like this go by....

   Is this solvable?

Probably not, if Win95 really thinks it owns the whole disk.  This
seems rather unlikely; although WinNT, like other Wins, doesn't seem
to know about swap partitions; it uses dedicated sectors on the disk.
Might as well be a swap partition, but it's a hidden file.  Hmmm....
I never did try the NTFS though.

Maybe Microsoft *does* assume it owns the whole disk.  Nah....

   If not, I'm thinking of buying System Commander - the OS switcher -
   to get around this problem.

Nope, that won't help, if Win95 is really ignoring the partition
table.  But you could install as UMSDOS (that's what I'm running right
now, so I can't check it).  Presumably in that case Win95 will take
care of your files since they're all DOS files.

   2. Linux and Netscape Version 2.0

	After running netscape, I get the following error message when 
   running other commands: ( e.g. the ls command )

	     ls: can't map 'dev/zero'
	     ls: can't map 'dev/zero'
	     ls: can't load library ''

This one's beyond me.  Look and see if there *is* a /dev/zero.  There
ought to be a way to find out who's using those resources.

                            Stephen J. Turnbull
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences                    Yaseppochi-Gumi
University of Tsukuba            
Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, 305 JAPAN       

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