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xdvi and Japanese

I got LaTeX working with Japanese.  I think that my earlier problem
was a result of the original dviout docs using ShiftJIS format.
I wrote some docs using EUC Kanji and it seems to work.  There is
a 50 page doc about Japanese and TeX which I am trying to read
online with ghostview (I'm blind now).  I can display dvi under
VGA but it is very dim and hard to work with.  I hope to
use xdvi because I do not want to exit X-Windows to display
a working dvi file.  

Right now I am getting these error messages:

elsie:~/practice/japanese/latex$ xdvi texjman.dvi
Can't find font cmcsc10.
Can't find font cmssbx10.
Can't find font cminch.
Can't find font cmbx10.
Can't find font cmbx12.
Can't find font cmtt10.
Can't find font cmbx10.
Can't find font cmti10.
Can't find font cmsy10.
Can't find font cmmi10.
Can't find font cmr10.
Can't find font cmsy9.
Can't find font cmr9.
Can't find font cmmi7.
Can't find font cmr7.
xdvi: Not all pixel files were found


I have tried to adjust the XDVIFONTS environmental variable, but
I have not had luck so far.  

The fonts are in /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/ and /usr/local/lib/tex/jfonts

I'm going to see if the text survives a conversion to HTML... :-)

I know, you are probably wondering if I have a life or if I spend
all my Sundays in front of the computer????   hahahahahah


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