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[tlug] Upgrading from CentOS 7

Charles Muller writes:

 > It seems like in doing so, it is advisable to update the OS.  Both
 > CentOS 7 and 8 are already E0L, so we're thinking about doing a
 > clean install of CentOS 9 (although we're open to other
 > distributions).  Does anyone have any advice regarding this move?

I agree with Brian, recent and future CentOS is not Grampaw's CentOS
any more.  AIUI it has been integrated into Red Hat's dev process, and
now is more of a "pre-branding" release candidate for RHEL than an
RHEL with the serial numbers filed off.

I have nothing against Rocky Linux, and there is at least one active
contributor in TLUG so community support for you personally and your
organization through you may be better than alternatives (in the
unlikely event that you need OS-level support for any of the RHEL
alternatives).  But I will mention that my employer recommends and
offers commercial support for Alma Linux, and I can testify that
they're well-documented.  So it's a quality product too.

I would still say Rocky, all else equal, on Brian's recommendation.  I
do not work on the accounts where we use Alma Linux yet.  (I
personally am a Debian person, have been since it was Deb *and* Ian,
not a portmanteau, but that's a whole set of new tools.  Why do that
to yourself?)


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