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Re: [tlug] Tex Editor Recommendations?

> (and I don't know if VSCode even supports it).
It does, but last I tried it had a few annoying changes and missed some important (to me) things. Apparently everyone but me likes to remap normal mode 's' to "save" or something less useful than the default behavior.

>> Ok. And now... flame on!!! ;-)
> Can't really start that until we get an Emacs guy in here. :-)
These days there are so many evil users that it's hard to get a real flame war going about it. And of course the magit integration is far better in emacs than anywhere else I've seen (let me know if I'm wrong, I'd love to see magit in vim!). Maybe easier to flame about kakoune/helix claiming they're more efficient than vim. Or the AI features in cursor and now even zed. Where are all the acme and sam users?

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