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Re: [tlug] CJK Input Methods

On Sat, Aug 17, 2024 at 11:56 AM steve <> wrote:
I found something that seems to work for this at least on ubuntu 20.5.  About half way down the page is an entry that says to add

    active_on_launch: True
to the end of $HOME/.config/mozc/ibus_config.textproto

My ibus_config.textproto now looks like:

# `ibus write-cache; ibus restart` might be necessary to apply changes.
engines {
  name : "mozc-jp"
  longname : "Mozc"
  layout : "default"
  layout_variant : ""
  layout_option : ""
  rank : 80
active_on_launch: True

I logged in and out several times and rebooted and when I select japanese input, mozc is staying in hiragana mode.

He also suggests converting to fctix and I played with that but couldn't get it working under ubuntu.

Thanks!  I'll give that a try.  In the meantime, with an update to the Chromium browser, Japanese input doesnt work within the browser.  It works in all other appliations, just not in Chromium.  The short-term workaground for that is writing everything in japanese in a text editor and then copy-pasting it from there into Chromium....

- Lyle 

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