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Re: [tlug] CJK Input Methods

> * Mozc conversion is so poor - it feels to me even my first PC8801
> series computer in 1980s had better conversion.   I remember back in

A good first step for your project would be to collect some test data: the keys pressed and the result you expect to get. If this is released as open data all the IMEs can test and develop against it. (see also xkcd 927)

> the days NEC would advertise how their AI could convert tricky
> sentences  involving 3 different senses of the word あめ.

You probably have higher expectations than me. I press space after every word, and am happy to press space a couple more times if it does not give me the particular suggestion I want. (The attached screenshot is after "ame<space>" then space again to see the choices.)

It does learn my preferences: if I choose 飴 then that is the first suggestion the next time.

Are you wanting it to remember the previous context (e.g. 今日の天気は) so it could make a more educated guess of the best suggestion?


Attachment: ame.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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