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Re: [tlug] introduction: just moved to Kobe, any linux activity out there ?

> Greetings All.....:-)
> The wife and I just moved to Kobe from the US, and I'm looking around to see
> what sort of Linux activity there still is in Japan.

Hello!  I just subscribed to this list a few days ago and haven't yet
made an introductory post, but I'm happy to see some activity.  I wasn't
sure what sort of volume to expect.

> I previously spent 14 years in Japan working in artificial life (alife) at a
> research facility in Kyoto.  I worked on the alife system called Tierra by
> Tom Ray and others, and helped develop the network version of it.  If you've
> ever read "Artificial Life" by Steven Levy, you've seen the discussion of
> that project.  I moved back to US for a few years when my lab closed.  The
> wife and I decided we missed Japan, and we decided to retire here.
> I've been programming since the late 1960's and early 70's.  I've been
> working with Linux from 1996 or so, with Amigas since the mid 80's before
> that, and still other things before that.

Fascinating, I'm very curious about computing of the 60s - 90s.  I'm
still pretty young, so I feel a longing for this era I missed out on.  I
also, read the Wikipedia article on Tierra, and it seems very

> I'm currently using a Linux distro I designed and built entirely from source
> code just for the fun of it.  I liked the result so well, I kept using it,
> and have ported it to several other platforms including the Raspberry Pi.

I'm using Gentoo Linux which is source based. I have considered
something Linux from scratch, but couldn't think of a better solution
for package management than Gentoo's portage.  What sort of package
management system are you using?

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