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Re: [tlug] formatting HDD leaves 11.7 GB untouched

> I have a 160 GB HDD that was used in an old notebook running Mint 19.2,
> using only one partition.
> Since I changed the HDD, I would like to use this one for external storage.

The disk GUI tool in Mint is good; I used it just recently. It allows
adding/deleting partitions, as well as doing the formatting. (Your
description sounds like you need to redo partitions.)

(It is the one that comes up first when I type "disk" in the application
search box; it might be specific to xfce, but I'm sure every OS
variation has something very similar.)

> I formatted again, this time enabling "erase". 

I checked that, with a 2TB disk; after 30 minutes or so I killed it, and
started again. Paranoia is all very well, but I had work to get done. :-)


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