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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Getting Japanese input working
- Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 15:16:54 +0100
- From: Darren Cook <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Getting Japanese input working
- References: <>
- User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.8.0
> I am trying to set up a new computer: I have xubuntu installed, and the > first Task is to get Japanese input working. ... > ... > from EN to RU to JA. (Oh yes, I need Cyrillic as well) But it has no > effect on keyboard input at all. I've pasted in my notes from installing Japanese and Chinese on Mint 19.1, and then below that are the notes for installing Japanese on Mint 19.2. xfce (i.e. Xubuntu) version in both cases. The `apt` commands have to be run as root. In the second case "mozc" didn't appear until after a reboot had been done; logout wasn't enough. In the first case, the bit about "policykit": I think I'd tried an over-zealous lockdown, before getting to the IME install, and had unchecked it in the startup applications. This meant when the GUI install screen wanted to prompt for the root pw it wasn't able to. Darren ### IME apt install fcitx-mozc mozc-utils-gui mozc-server apt install fcitx-config-gtk Language Settings, Input Method: choose "fcitx" at the top of that screen (it was already selected). Click install for Japanese. (If it won't ask for root pw, make sure "policykit" is set to autostart.) Repeated for "Simplified Chinese". Then need to logout and login. I then needed to configure, find "mozc", add it, then move it up so it is the top entry, but just below "Keyboard (UK)". Then ctrl-space switches between normal and Japanese. To get pinyin, right click the keyboard icon, and choose it. (If ctrl-space is then alternating between pinyin and mozc, choose UK keyboard to escape pinyin.) ### IME apt install fcitx-mozc mozc-utils-gui mozc-server apt install fcitx-config-gtk Language Settings, Input Method: choose "fcitx" at the top of that screen Click install for Japanese. Then need to logout and login. --> This wasn't enough, needed to reboot. I then needed to configure (right-click keyboard icon in taskbar and choose configure), click "+", uncheck "not current language", find "mozc", add it, then move it up so it is just below "Keyboard (UK)". Then ctrl-space switches between normal and Japanese.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Getting Japanese input working
- From: David J Iannucci
- Re: [tlug] Getting Japanese input working
- From: Darren Cook
- References:
- [tlug] Getting Japanese input working
- From: Brian Chandler
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