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Re: [tlug] Trouble adding new user

On Tue, 10 Sep 2019 at 17:44, Charles Muller <> wrote:

Any suggestions?

Tail the log (depending on the distro it'll be somewhere like /var/log/auth or /var/log/secure), try logging in yourself (as them, if you have the password), and verify that you can see the log entry.

Then have newguy try and see if you can see their entry.

If you can see the entry, there may also be a more helpful error message.

If you can't see the entry, they may be trying to log into the wrong server. You probably want to change the password in that case, as they've been sending it to some random box on the internet somewhere...


Edmund Edgar
Founder, Social Minds Inc (KK)
Twitter: @edmundedgar
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