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Re: [tlug] File-sharing

On 6/7/19 9:02 PM, Curt Sampson wrote:

What do they offer in terms of backup and failover solutions? If I

I don't know.  I host my own from home, sync off zfs snapshots (zfs send), and do backups of that.  If I had not already had the local storage I would have looked into running it in the cloud, maybe.  I still may eventually, but I can stand a weekend of downtime for my current needs.  I use it for convenience of access, but my business, family, and data would survive if it somehow just died, never to come back.

This is the cheater VM setup I'm using.  It is practically turnkey.  But, I've not evaluated it for any HA needs.

Also they seem to have a bit of work to do on the devices/appliances
front. I had a look at <> and the
picture at the top shows them using some terribly ancient computer
full of 7400-series parts (I can read the top of a 74LS240N--not even
HS!) that is going to be incredibly slow, huge, and power-hungry.
I'd be surprised if it uses even a 16-bit processor!

I've never thought of them as a hardware outfit, and I don't think it is what they are known for.  I'm sure you can do better than the offerings on that page.


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