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[tlug] Dang I hate MS.

Just a heads up -- I have a nice little dell laptop dual-boot ubuntu 18.04 and windows 10. I rarely even use windows but there are those times...
Anyway, the latest windows update 'fixed' the bios so the default boot 
os was windows.  It knows about ubuntu now which I think is new.  After 
I cooled down a bit, I went into the bios and found the settings for os 
boot order and changed the boot priority so it booted ubuntu then 
windows and rebooted.  It booted me into the grub menu.  The first time 
I booted into windows from grub to see what would happen, it noted my 
previous boot to windows hadn't gone as expected and it offered to fix 
that for me.  I proceeded with a normal boot to windows and now 
everything seems to be ok again.
Steve S.

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