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Re: [tlug] VirtualBox with Wndows XP in Thinkpad x240 running kubuntuubn

On 02/07/2015 08:15 PM, SCHWARTZ, Fernando G. wrote:

Thanks for the steps. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me. Here's what happened:
BTW:  VBox 4.3.20 on Debian Wheezy x64KDE 7.8 -- USB switch has NEVER 
worked on any Linux (incl. *buntu) host WIN (XP32, WIN7 32, WIN7 64) 
guest combination on this box, 3 different AMD CPUs, 3 different mobos.
Beyond the standard stuff of making sure the user you plan to run the
VirtualBox environment under is indeed part of the " vboxusers " group,
here is the trick:
Current version of Wheezy does not show _any_ user groups in any GUI 
setup file.
Check if you see file " 60-vboxdrv.rules " under:

Copy that file:


Then edit "60-vboxdrv.rules" file on this new location as such:
Remove (uncomment) the leading '#'s from the last 4 lines below the
comment in line #2.

You'll see that those lines clearly refer to the "USB" subsystem.
/etc/udev does not exist



does exist and the USB lines are already uncommented
You're done. Reboot.

Once you've your virtual machine running back again, check the usual
"devices" -> "USB Devices" drop-down menu on VirtualBox's main virtual
machine interface.
Still seeing <no devices available> when I try to select USB devices 
with fields filled in.  Editing blank device descriptions to the 
information found from entering "lsusb" does not make them seen or found.


Sincerely hope you find what you're looking for here.

Regards, Fernando.

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