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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Ubuntu 10.04 - kernel update snafu
- Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 12:58:54 +0100
- From: Darren Cook <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Ubuntu 10.04 - kernel update snafu
- References: <> <>
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> (unpredictable), and "Design" means darkish grey text on a > light-to-medium grey background, with splashes of 56% grey for contrast. > And transparency and wobbliness. I just want to get rid of all this > crap; I switched to the "Mint-X" (whatever that means) "theme", and some > things got better, but the terminal window, F G'DNS SKE, is slightly > transparent. How do I escape this madness? I went with Xfce, which is supposed to be no bells and whistles, but still had more than I needed. Under Windows Manager Tweaks, Compositor Tab, I unchecked the top checkbox to disable all that fancy stuff. Like you, I got frustrated with the lack of contrast between shades of grey; I went with "Moheli" theme (under window manager), which at least uses a colour to show the active window, but is still not perfect. > ). > ... > Since there is a Memsource version for Ubu 10 and 12, I chose 12, > thinking it closer to Mint 17. But should I think Old Better? Might be better to ask the authors of this, and if they are planning a 14.04 release, or have a source code release. Mint 17 should equal Ubuntu 14.04 in terms of package compatibility. (Oh, if you ever bother asking questions on I've realized it is easier to just tag as Ubuntu 14.04 (or Ubuntu 13.10 if using mint 16), and never mention it is actually Mint, as otherwise the core people (the ones with the Knowledge) get all tetchy and flag your post as off-topic.) Darren -- Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer My new book: Data Push Apps with HTML5 SSE Published by O'Reilly: (ask me for a discount code!) Also on Amazon and at all good booksellers!
- References:
- [tlug] Ubuntu 10.04 - kernel update snafu
- From: Jim Breen
- Re: [tlug] Ubuntu 10.04 - kernel update snafu
- From: Brian Chandler
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