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Re: [tlug] MakerCamp on April 12

On 2014年04月11日 16:16, Matthew wrote:
On Tue, 4/1/14, A.Tomita <> wrote:
There will be a Tokyo HackerSpace's big MakerCamp event in
Odaiba on April 12 (Saturday).
  It is part barcamp, part hackathon, and super free.
  Quick update: The event has expanded so there are 18 places
now available. Registration closes Fri, 11 Apr 2014 22:00.

ps. This is a great chance to play with 3D printer, a laser cutter
and other fun toys.
I will be attending tomorrow, and I did some preparation in case anybody 
is interested in learning about Haskell, Erlang, Racket, Scheme, Go, C, 
Python, Linux, and/or Docker. ;)  I created some virtual machines--the 
idea being that it would be nice to be able to jump right into a fully 
configured development environment.
I will bring the files on a USB stick for sharing.  If there are any other 
USB sticks around (or perhaps a local server?), it would allow people to 
copy the files more easily, if there is interest.  FYI: The files take up 
<10GB total, and they cannot be easily burned to DVD due to the 2GB file 
size limit.
Here is the README:

I see some TLUG names on the participants list... See you tomorrow! :)



Matthew: It has been a long time since we have talked! I hope you are doing well! See you tomorrow!

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