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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Japanese fonts under Android
- Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 17:19:13 +1000
- From: Jim Breen <>
- Subject: [tlug] Japanese fonts under Android
I recall the issue of non-Japanese Android devices displaying only Chinese-style characters was aired here some time ago. It seems initially they were shipped with a single system font file, which had Japanese-style characters for the Japanese market and Chinese-style ones everywhere else. The issue was flagged with Android as a problem two years ago: The only change that has been made, starting with 4.0, is to let you see Japanese properly if you change the system locale to Japanese, i.e. you get everything - menus, error messages, the lot in Japanese. There seems to be no application-level locale setting. Needless to say this has been a total turn-off students of Japanese wanting to use various apps on Android. Apple and Microsoft got it right from the beginning, so you really have to wonder why Google can't do it properly. Any thoughts of how to escalate the issue? I think it calls for the generation of some bad publicity, much as I hate to bash a system that's really an application-specific version of Linux. Cheers Jim -- Jim Breen Adjunct Snr Research Fellow, Japanese Studies Centre, Monash University
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- [tlug] Japanese fonts under Android
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